I've just barely gotten used to the idea (actually the fact) that I'm old enough to have kids. But grandkids? Yep! I love being a dad, and I love being a granddad. The starting five on our grandson basketball team are Jim, Liam, Rob, Asher, and Owen; and the sixth-man is Finn.

And then came Addie. It’s hard to image our family without our granddaughter. At the risk of appearing stereotypical, it would be easy to call her the cheerleader for our grandson team. She actually likes being a cheerleader, but Addie also has plenty of game herself.

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Bill hugging Jim.jpg
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Bill the Builder, Rob.jpeg
Bill, Asher, polar bear.jpg
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Bill, baby Asher.jpg
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Bill, Owen at FU game.jpg
Bill, Kathy, Jim, Liam, George.JPG
Bill, Liam, Kathy, Jim reading.jpg
Bill, Rob, Kathy at FU bball.jpg
Bill, Rob,Kathy at Hatcher Garden.jpg
Jim, Bill, boardgame.jpg
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Kathy, Owen,Asher, Shari,Bill, Tiff, Rob.jpg
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Taylor, Rob, Kathy, Bill biking.JPG
Bill and newborn Finn.jpg